Wednesday 8 September 2010

Opponents of the Iraq war are 'petulant toddlers'

A tweet today from Oona King's e-campaigns and events officer, Kevin McKeever.

Friday 3 September 2010

Oona King snubs Camden members

Oona King has pulled out of tonight’s Camden hustings with Ken Livingstone, and has informed the local party at the last moment to send a staffer instead.

This follows her decision to clash the hustings with her own event, aimed at women members, which has been the subject of controversy over access to membership details.

·         The debate between Livingstone and King was agreed between the campaigns and Camden Labour in early July
·         Oona King’s first email to party members across London about her own event at the same time as the Camden hustings was sent out on 19 August 2010 over a month after the Camden debate had been agreed
·         The timings of the mayoral part of the event were switched from 7pm to 8.15pm this week in order allow King to speak at both her own event and the Camden event
·         Only today have the organisers been told by King that she is not attending.

Oona King’s shoddy treatment of the membership of Camden Labour party is remarkable at a time when the ballot papers are arriving.

It shows incompetence in her team and suggests she prefers her own events to those involving a debate with Ken Livingstone.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Oona calls for population control on LBC

During a review of the papers Oona picked out a story in the Times about population. She started by saying;

OK –‘It is an important issue – how are we going to carry on doubling the size of our population – it won’t work’

KM – ‘I have three kids, does that make me a bad person?’

OK – ‘I think it might, not a bad person per se but in terms of saving the planet you haven’t done your bit...’

and later she said;

OK – ‘I think at a certain point we have to perhaps we are going to seriously – obviously we’re not going to go down the Chinese route... erm which is just disastrous... but on the other hand they did realise it would be disastrous for their country if they carried on down that route of population explosion’

OK – ‘but the serious point is that we have to recognise that the biggest pressure on the world’s resources is the population and is impacting everything and it will impact the quality of life our kids have, and given that there are so many children who don’t find a home, you would hope that people might look at how they can reduce their personal footprint by going beyond 2, 3, 4, 5 kids'

KM – 'So that’s Oona King’s big policy now is two kids and no more in London...'

OK - ‘Can I just say that this is going to be tweeted out it the worse possible way... I am just saying lets be responsible about the worlds resources...’

- It does beg the question, is there a good way to tweet that you think people should not go beyond 2,3,4,5 kids?

LBC RADIO - 28/08/2010, 11.54am

Thursday 26 August 2010

A mysterious tweet

This morning Oona King sent the following tweet from her twitter account:

Oona_King: RT @guardiannews: David Miliband wins backing of John Cruddas for leadership campaign
How then to explain the absence of the tweet from her twitter account at 11.55am?
  • Did Oona forget which Miliband she is backing?
  • Was this a mistake by her campaign, soon rectified, which means her team tweets for her?
  • Perhaps it was a mischievous hacker from David Miliband’s campaign angry at her decision to back Ed?
Who knows? Perhaps readers could shed light on this baffling development....

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Lesson in political history and thought...

"It takes a while on the left to realise that if you want to redistribute wealth, you've got to generate it"

Oona King, Hornsey and Wood Green meeting, 24/08/2010

avandia class action